package scalaz

sealed trait StringW extends PimpedType[String] {
   * The value of this string.
  lazy val s: String = value

   * Returns the same String value if the given value is 1 otherwise pluralises this String by appending an "s" unless
   * this String ends with "y" and not one of ["ay", "ey", "iy", "oy", "uy"] in which case the 'y' character is chopped and "ies"
   * is appended.
  def plural(n: Long): String = if(n == 1L) s else
                       if((s endsWith "y") && (List("ay", "ey","iy", "oy", "uy") forall (!s.endsWith(_)))) s.take(s.length - 1) + "ies"
                       else s + "s"

  import xml._
  import Scalaz._

   * Construct an XML node based on the given option value. If there is no value available, then an empty text node is returned,
   * otherwise, the string representation (using show) of the value is returned in an element with the given label.
  def node[A: Show](prefix: String, attributes: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding, a: Option[A]): Node =
    a match {
      case Some(t) => Elem(prefix, s, Null, TopScope, t.text)
      case None => Text("")

   * Construct an XML node based on the given option value. If there is no value available, then an empty text node is returned,
   * otherwise, the string representation (using show) of the value is returned in an element with the given label.
  def node[A: Show](prefix: String, a: Option[A]): Node =
    node(prefix, Null, TopScope, a)

   * Construct an XML node based on the given option value. If there is no value available, then an empty text node is returned,
   * otherwise, the string representation (using show) of the value is returned in an element with the given label.
  def |:|[A: Show](a: Option[A]): Node =
    node(null, a)

  def encode(implicit c: CharSet): Array[Byte] = s getBytes c.value

   * Constructs a non-empty list with the value if it is not empty, otherwise, throws an error.
  def charsNel : Option[NonEmptyList[Char]] = s.toList.toNel

   * Constructs a non-empty list with the given string if it is not empty, otherwise, returns the second argument.
  def charsNel(e: => NonEmptyList[Char]) : NonEmptyList[Char] = this.charsNel getOrElse e

  def charsNelErr(message: => String): NonEmptyList[Char] = charsNel(error_(message))

  def unsafeCharsNel : NonEmptyList[Char] = charsNelErr("cannot turn empty string into NonEmptyList")


  def readFile[X](x: X, f: (X, Byte) => X): X = {
    val in = new FileInputStream(s)

    try {
    } finally {

  def fileEach(f: Byte => Unit) {
    val in = new FileInputStream(s)

    try {
    } finally {

  def readLines[X, Y](x: X, f: (X, Char) => X, y: Y, g: (Y, X) => Y) {
    val in = new FileInputStream(s)

    try {
      var t = x
      var u = y
      val i = in.elements
      val lineSeparators = List('\r'.toByte, '\n'.toByte)

      while(i.hasNext) {
        val c =

        if(lineSeparators.contains(c)) {
          u = g(u, t)
          t = x
        } else
          t = f(t, c)

    } finally {

  // Parsing functions.

  def parseBoolean: Validation[NumberFormatException, Boolean] = try {
  } catch {
    case e: NumberFormatException => failure(e)

  def parseByte: Validation[NumberFormatException, Byte] = try {
  } catch {
    case e: NumberFormatException => failure(e)

  def parseShort: Validation[NumberFormatException, Short] = try {
  } catch {
    case e: NumberFormatException => failure(e)

  def parseInt: Validation[NumberFormatException, Int] = try {
  } catch {
    case e: NumberFormatException => failure(e)

  def parseLong: Validation[NumberFormatException, Long] = try {
  } catch {
    case e: NumberFormatException => failure(e)

  def parseFloat: Validation[NumberFormatException, Float] = try {
  } catch {
    case e: NumberFormatException => failure(e)

  def parseDouble: Validation[NumberFormatException, Double] = try {
  } catch {
    case e: NumberFormatException => failure(e)

trait Strings {
  implicit def StringTo(ss: String): StringW = new StringW {
    val value = ss