package scalaz

trait MA[M[_], A] extends PimpedType[M[A]] with MASugar[M, A] {
  import Scalaz._

   * Use this to force implicit conversion of M[A] to MA[M, A]. Useful when the original
   * type contains a member with the same name as MA, for example: List(1,2,3) map f
  def asMA: MA[M, A] = this

  def map2[N[_], B, C](f: B => C)(implicit m: A <:< N[B], f1: Functor[M], f2: Functor[N]): M[N[C]] = (k => (k: N[B])  f)

   * Returns a MA with the type parameter `M` equal to [A] M[N[A]], given that type `A` is constructed from type constructor `N`.
   * This allows composition of type classes for `M` and `N`. For example:
   * <code>(List(List(1)) {2 +}) assert_=== List(List(3))</code>
  def comp[N[_], B](implicit n: A <:< N[B], f: Functor[M]): MA[({type λ[α]=M[N[α]]})#λ, B] = ma[({type λ[α]=M[N[α]]})#λ, B](value  n)

  def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit t: Functor[M]): M[B] = t.fmap(value, f)

  def >|[B](f: => B)(implicit t: Functor[M]): M[B] = (_ => f)

   * Accumulates values MA[A] and MA[B], and returns an ApplicativeBuilder that can accumulate
   * further such values. These values can be then applied to a provided function through the Applicative Functor for M.
   * Example:
   *  (1.some ⊛ 2.some) apply { (a, b, c) => a + b + c) } === Some(3)
   *  (1.some ⊛ 2.some ⊛ 3.some) tupled === Some((1, 2, 3))
   * @return An ApplicativeBuilder that has accumulated `value: M[A]` and `b: M[B]`.
  def |@|[B](b: M[B]) = new ApplicativeBuilder[M, A, B](value, b)

  def <*>[B](f: M[A => B])(implicit a: Apply[M]): M[B] = a(f, value)

  def <**>[B, C](b: M[B])(z: (A, B) => C)(implicit t: Functor[M], a: Apply[M]): M[C] = a(t.fmap(value, z.curried), b)

  def <***>[B, C, D](b: M[B], c: M[C])(z: (A, B, C) => D)(implicit t: Functor[M], a: Apply[M]): M[D] = a(a(t.fmap(value, z.curried), b), c)

  def <****>[B, C, D, E](b: M[B], c: M[C], d: M[D])(z: (A, B, C, D) => E)(implicit t: Functor[M], a: Apply[M]): M[E] = a(a(a(t.fmap(value, z.curried), b), c), d)

  def <*****>[B, C, D, E, F](b: M[B], c: M[C], d: M[D], e: M[E])(z: (A, B, C, D, E) => F)(implicit t: Functor[M], a: Apply[M]): M[F] = a(a(a(a(t.fmap(value, z.curried), b), c), d), e)

  def *>[B](b: M[B])(implicit t: Functor[M], a: Apply[M]): M[B] = <**>(b)((a, b) => b)

  def <*[B](b: M[B])(implicit t: Functor[M], a: Apply[M]): M[A] = <**>(b)((a, b) => a)

  def <|*|>[B](b: M[B])(implicit t: Functor[M], a: Apply[M]): M[(A, B)] = <**>(b)((_, _))

  def <|**|>[B, C](b: M[B], c: M[C])(implicit t: Functor[M], a: Apply[M]): M[(A, B, C)] = <***>(b, c)((_, _, _))

  def <|***|>[B, C, D](b: M[B], c: M[C], d: M[D])(implicit t: Functor[M], a: Apply[M]): M[(A, B, C, D)] = <****>(b, c, d)( (_, _, _, _))

  def <|****|>[B, C, D, E](b: M[B], c: M[C], d: M[D], e: M[E])(implicit t: Functor[M], a: Apply[M]): M[(A, B, C, D, E)] = <*****>(b, c, d, e)((_, _, _, _, _))

  def xmap[B](f: A => B)(g: B => A)(implicit xf: InvariantFunctor[M]): M[B] = xf.xmap(value, f, g)
  def traverse[F[_],B](f: A => F[B])(implicit a: Applicative[F], t: Traverse[M]): F[M[B]] =
    t.traverse(f, value)

  def traverse_[F[_],B](f: A => F[B])(implicit a: Applicative[F], t: Foldable[M]): F[Unit] =
    value.foldl(().pure)(((x, y) => x <* f(y)))

  def traverseKleisli[S, N[_], B](g: A => Kleisli[N, S, B])(implicit m: Monad[N], t: Foldable[M]): Kleisli[N, S, List[B]] =
    kleisli[N, S, List[B]](s =>
      listl.reverse.foldr((Nil: List[B]).pure[N])((b, z) =>
        z >>= (x => g(b)(s)  (_ :: x)))  (_.reverse))

  def >>=[B](f: A => M[B])(implicit b: Bind[M]): M[B] = b.bind(value, f)

  def >>=|[B](f: => M[B])(implicit b: Bind[M]): M[B] = >>=((x:A) => f)

  /** Alias for >>=| */
  def >|>[B](f: => M[B])(implicit b: Bind[M]): M[B] = >>=|(f)

  def flatMap[B](f: A => M[B])(implicit b: Bind[M]): M[B] = b.bind(value, f)

  def join[B](implicit m: A <:< M[B], b: Bind[M]): M[B] = >>=(m)

  def forever[B](implicit b: Bind[M]): M[B] = value >|> value.forever

  def <+>(z: => M[A])(implicit p: Plus[M]): M[A] =, z)

  def +>:(a: A)(implicit s: Semigroup[M[A]], q: Pure[M]): M[A] = s append (q.pure(a), value)

  def <+>:(a: A)(implicit p: Plus[M], q: Pure[M]): M[A] =, value)

  def foreach(f: A => Unit)(implicit e: Each[M]): Unit = e.each(value, f)

  def |>|(f: A => Unit)(implicit e: Each[M]): Unit = foreach (f)

  def foldl[B](b: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(implicit r: Foldable[M]): B = r.foldLeft[A, B](value, b, f)

  def foldl1(f: (A, A) => A)(implicit r: Foldable[M]): Option[A] = r.foldl1(value, f)

  def listl(implicit r: Foldable[M]): List[A] = {
    val b = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[A]
    foldl(())((_, a) => b += a)

  def sum(implicit r: Foldable[M], m: Monoid[A]): A = foldl( append (_, _))

  def count(implicit r: Foldable[M]): Int = foldl(0)((b, _) => b + 1)

  def len(implicit l: Length[M]): Int = l len value

  def maximum(implicit r: Foldable[M], ord: Order[A]): Option[A] =
    foldl1((x: A, y: A) => if (x gt y) x else y)

  def minimum(implicit r: Foldable[M], ord: Order[A]): Option[A] =
    foldl1((x: A, y: A) => if (x lt y) x else y)

  def longDigits(implicit d: A <:< Digit, t: Foldable[M]): Long =
    foldl(0L)((n, a) => n * 10L + (a: Digit))

  def digits(implicit c: A <:< Char, t: Functor[M]): M[Option[Digit]] =
    map((a: A) => (a: Char).digit)

  def sequence[N[_], B](implicit a: A <:< N[B], t: Traverse[M], n: Applicative[N]): N[M[B]] =
    traverse((z: A) => (z: N[B]))

  def traverseDigits(implicit c: A <:< Char, t: Traverse[M]): Option[M[Digit]] = {
    val k = map((f: A) => (f: Char)).digits.sequence

  def foldr[B](b: B)(f: (A, => B) => B)(implicit r: Foldable[M]): B = r.foldRight(value, b, f)

  def foldr1(f: (A, => A) => A)(implicit r: Foldable[M]): Option[A] = r.foldr1(value, f)

  def sumr(implicit r: Foldable[M], m: Monoid[A]): A = foldr( append (_, _))

  def foldMap[B](f: A => B)(implicit r: Foldable[M], m: Monoid[B]): B = r.foldMap(value, f)

  def listr(implicit r: Foldable[M]): List[A] = foldr(nil[A])(_ :: _)

  def stream(implicit r: Foldable[M]): Stream[A] = foldr(Stream.empty[A])(Stream.cons(_, _))

  def asStream[B](f: Stream[A] => Stream[B])(implicit r: Foldable[M], m: Monoid[M[B]], p: Pure[M]): M[B] =
    f(stream).foldr( |+| _)

  def foldIndex(n: Int)(implicit r: Foldable[M]): A = stream(r)(n)

  def index(n: Int)(implicit i: Index[M]): Option[A] = i.index(value, n)

  def index_!(n: Int)(implicit i: Index[M]): A = this.index(n) getOrElse (error_("Index " + n + " out of bounds"))

  def -!-(n: Int)(implicit i: Index[M]): A = this.index_!(n) 

  def any(p: A => Boolean)(implicit r: Foldable[M]): Boolean = foldr(false)(p(_) || _)

  def all(p: A => Boolean)(implicit r: Foldable[M]): Boolean = foldr(true)(p(_) && _)

  def empty(implicit r: Foldable[M]): Boolean = (_ => false)

  def element(a: A)(implicit r: Foldable[M], eq: Equal[A]): Boolean = (a  _)

  def getOrElseM(a: M[Option[A]])(implicit m: Monad[M]): M[A] =
    a >>= {
      case None => value
      case Some(z) => z.pure

   * Splits the elements into groups that alternatively satisfy and don't satisfy the predicate p.
  def splitWith(p: A => Boolean)(implicit r: Foldable[M]): List[List[A]] =
    foldr((nil[List[A]], none[Boolean]))((a, b) => {
      val pa = p(a)
      (b match {
        case (_, None) => List(List(a))
        case (x, Some(q)) => if (pa == q) (a :: x.head) :: x.tail else List(a) :: x
      }, Some(pa))

   * Selects groups of elements that satisfy p and discards others.
  def selectSplit(p: A => Boolean)(implicit r: Foldable[M]): List[List[A]] =
    foldr((nil[List[A]], false))((a, xb) => xb match {
      case (x, b) => {
        val pa = p(a)
        (if (pa)
          if (b)
            (a :: x.head) :: x.tail else
            List(a) :: x
        else x, pa)

  def para[B](b: B, f: (=> A, => M[A], B) => B)(implicit p: Paramorphism[M]): B = p.para(value, b, f)

  def foldMapDefault[B](f: A => B)(implicit t: Traverse[M], m: Monoid[B]): B = {
    t.traverse[({type λ[α]=Const[B, α]})#λ, A, B](a => Const[B, B](f(a)), value)

  def collapse(implicit t: Traverse[M], m: Monoid[A]): A = foldMapDefault(identity[A])

  def =>>[B](f: M[A] => B)(implicit w: Comonad[M]): M[B] = w.fmap(w.cojoin(value), f)

  def copure(implicit p: Copure[M]): A = p copure value

  def cojoin(implicit j: Cojoin[M]): M[M[A]] = j cojoin value

  def <--->(w: M[A])(implicit l: Length[M], ind: Index[M], equ: Equal[A]): Int = {
    def levenshteinMatrix(w: M[A])(implicit l: Length[M], ind: Index[M], equ: Equal[A]): (Int, Int) => Int = {
      val m = mutableHashMapMemo[(Int, Int), Int]

      def get(i: Int, j: Int): Int = if (i == 0) j else if (j == 0) i else {
        lazy val t = this -!- (i - 1)
        lazy val u = w -!- (j - 1)
        lazy val e = t  u

        val g = m {case (a, b) => get(a, b)}
        val a = g((i - 1, j)) + 1
        val b = g((i - 1, j - 1)) + (if (e) 0 else 1)
        def c = g((i, j - 1)) + 1
        if (a < b) a else if (b <= c) b else c


    val k = levenshteinMatrix(w)
    k(l.len(value), l.len(w))

  /** Puts the given write value into a writer transformer and associates with this M[A] value */
  def put[W](w: W)(implicit f: Functor[M]): WriterT[M, W, A] =
    writerT[M, W, A](value  (a => (w, a)))

  /** Puts the write value that is produced by applying the given function into a writer transformer and associates with this M[A] value */
  def putWith[W](w: A => W)(implicit f: Functor[M]): WriterT[M, W, A] =
    writerT[M, W, A](value  (a => (w(a), a)))

  /** Puts the given write value into a writer transformer, lifted into a pointed functor, and associates with this M[A] value */
  def liftw[F[_]](implicit f: Functor[M], p: Pure[F]) = new (Id ~> (({type λ[α]= WriterT[M, F[α], A]}))) {
    def apply[W](w: W): WriterT[M, F[W], A] =
      writerT[M, F[W], A](value  (a => (w.value.η[F], a)))

  /** Puts the given write value that is produced by applying the given function into a writer transformer, lifted into a pointed functor, and associates with this M[A] value */
  def liftwWith[F[_]](implicit f: Functor[M], p: Pure[F]) = new (((({type λ[α]= Function1[A, α]}))) ~> (({type λ[α]= WriterT[M, F[α], A]}))) {
    def apply[W](w: A => W) =
      writerT[M, F[W], A](value  (a => (w(a).η[F], a)))

  def ifM[B](t: => M[B], f: => M[B])(implicit a: Monad[M], b: A <:< Boolean): M[B] =  ((x: A) => if (x) t else f)

  def foldLeftM[N[_], B](b: B)(f: (B, A) => N[B])(implicit fr: Foldable[M], m: Monad[N]): N[B] =
    foldl[N[B]](b η)((b, a) => b  ((z: B) => f(z, a)))

  def foldRightM[N[_], B](b: B)(f: (A, B) => N[B])(implicit fr: Foldable[M], m: Monad[N]): N[B] =
    foldr[N[B]](b η)((a, b) => b  ((z: B) => f(a, z)))

  def replicateM[N[_]](n: Int)(implicit m: Monad[M], p: Pure[N], d: Monoid[N[A]]): M[N[A]] =
    if (n <= 0) [N[A]].η[M]
    else value  (a => replicateM[N](n - 1)  (a +>: _) )

  def replicateM_(n: Int)(implicit m: Monad[M]): M[Unit] = {
    def replicateM__(a: M[Unit], i: Int): M[Unit] =
      if (i > 0) replicateM__(value >|> a, i - 1) else a
    replicateM__(().pure[M], n)

  def zipWithA[F[_], B, C](b: M[B])(f: (A, B) => F[C])(implicit a: Applicative[M], t: Traverse[M], z: Applicative[F]): F[M[C]] =
    (b <*> (a.fmap(value, f.curried))).sequence[F, C]

  def bktree(implicit f: Foldable[M], m: MetricSpace[A]) =
    foldl(emptyBKTree[A])(_ + _)

  def fpair(implicit f: Functor[M]): M[(A, A)] = (_.pair)

  def fpure[N[_]](implicit f: Functor[M], p: Pure[N]): M[N[A]] = (a => p.pure(a))

  def foldReduce[B](implicit f: Foldable[M], r: Reducer[A, B]): B = foldMap(_.unit[B])(f, r)

  import FingerTree._
  def &:(a: A) = OnL[M,A](a, value)
  def :&(a: A) = OnR[M,A](value, a)

  import concurrent._

  // This uses (sequence . map) instead of traverse since it needs to be fully strict.
  def parMap[B](f: A => B)(implicit s: Strategy, t: Traverse[M]): Promise[M[B]] =

  def parBind[B](f: A => M[B])(implicit m: Monad[M], s: Strategy, t: Traverse[M]): Promise[M[B]] =
    parMap(f).map(((_: MA[M, M[B]]) μ) compose (ma(_)))

  def parZipWith[B, C](bs: M[B])(f: (A, B) => C)(implicit z: Applicative[M], s: Strategy, t: Traverse[M]): Promise[M[C]] =
    zipWithA(bs)((x, y) => promise(f(x, y)))

// Previously there was an ambiguity because (A => B) could be considered as MA[(R => _), A] or MA[(_ => R), A].
// We can probably merge MA and MAContravariant when is solved.
trait MAContravariant[M[_], A] extends PimpedType[M[A]] with MAContravariantSugar[M, A] {

  def contramap[B](f: B => A)(implicit t: Contravariant[M]): M[B] = (f)

   * contramap the identity function
  def contravary[B <: A](implicit t: Contravariant[M]): M[B] = contramap[B](identity)

  def |<[B](f: => A)(implicit t: Contravariant[M]): M[B] = contramap((_: B) => f)

// NOTE: Implicit conversions to MA have been moved to MAB.scala to allow prioritization.

trait MASugar[M[_], A] {
  self: MA[M, A] =>

  /** Alias for map */
  def [B](f: A => B)(implicit t: Functor[M]): M[B] = map(f)

  /** Alias for map2 */
  def ∘∘[N[_], B, C](f: B => C)(implicit m: A <:< N[B], f1: Functor[M], f2: Functor[N]): M[N[C]] = map2(f)

  /** Alias for >>= and flatMap */
  def [B](f: A => M[B])(implicit b: Bind[M]): M[B] = >>=(f)

  /** Alias for >>=| */
  def ∗|[B](f: => M[B])(implicit b: Bind[M]): M[B] = >>=|(f)

  /** Alias for |@| */
  def [B](b: M[B]) = new ApplicativeBuilder[M, A, B](value, b)

  /** Alias for traverse */
  def [F[_], B](f: A => F[B])(implicit a: Applicative[F], t: Traverse[M]): F[M[B]] = traverse(f)

  /** Alias for join */
  def μ[B](implicit m: A <:< M[B], b: Bind[M]): M[B] = join(m, b)

  /** Alias for any */
  def (p: A => Boolean)(implicit r: Foldable[M]): Boolean = any(p)

  /** Alias for all */
  def (p: A => Boolean)(implicit r: Foldable[M]): Boolean = all(p)

  /** Right associative alias for element */
  def ∈:(a: A)(implicit r: Foldable[M], eq: Equal[A]): Boolean = element(a)

  /** Alias for element */
  def (a: A)(implicit r: Foldable[M], eq: Equal[A]): Boolean = element(a)

trait MAContravariantSugar[M[_], A] {
  self: MAContravariant[M, A] =>

  /** Alias for {@link scalaz.MAContravariant#contramap} */
  def [B](f: B => A)(implicit t: Contravariant[M]): M[B] = t.contramap(value, f)