

package response

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Body [OUT[_], A] extends AnyRef

    Type constructors that can be used in request and response bodies.

  2. trait Bodys extends AnyRef

  3. trait ContentTypeResolver extends AnyRef

    A function to resolve a content-type given a file extension.

  4. trait Response [OUT[_]] extends AnyRef

    HTTP response.

  5. trait ResponseHeader extends AnyRef

    HTTP response headers.

  6. trait ResponseHeaders extends AnyRef

  7. trait Status extends AnyRef

    HTTP response status codes.

  8. trait StatusLine extends AnyRef

    HTTP response status line.

Value Members

  1. object AcceptRanges extends ResponseHeader with Product with Serializable


  2. object Accepted extends Status with Product with Serializable


  3. object Age extends ResponseHeader with Product with Serializable


  4. object BadGateway extends Status with Product with Serializable


  5. object BadRequest extends Status with Product with Serializable


  6. object Body extends Bodys

    Type constructors that can be used in request and response bodies.

  7. object Conflict extends Status with Product with Serializable


  8. object ContentTypeResolver extends AnyRef

    A function to resolve a content-type given a file extension.

  9. object Continue extends Status with Product with Serializable


  10. object Created extends Status with Product with Serializable


  11. object ETag extends ResponseHeader with Product with Serializable


  12. object ExpectationFailed extends Status with Product with Serializable


  13. object Forbidden extends Status with Product with Serializable


  14. object Found extends Status with Product with Serializable


  15. object GatewayTimeout extends Status with Product with Serializable


  16. object Gone extends Status with Product with Serializable


  17. object HTTPVersionNotSupported extends Status with Product with Serializable


  18. object InternalServerError extends Status with Product with Serializable


  19. object LengthRequired extends Status with Product with Serializable


  20. object Location extends ResponseHeader with Product with Serializable


  21. object MethodNotAllowed extends Status with Product with Serializable


  22. object MovedPermanently extends Status with Product with Serializable


  23. object MultipleChoices extends Status with Product with Serializable


  24. object NoContent extends Status with Product with Serializable


  25. object NonAuthoritativeInformation extends Status with Product with Serializable


  26. object NotAcceptable extends Status with Product with Serializable


  27. object NotFound extends Status with Product with Serializable


  28. object NotImplemented extends Status with Product with Serializable


  29. object NotModified extends Status with Product with Serializable


  30. object OK extends Status with Product with Serializable


  31. object PartialContent extends Status with Product with Serializable


  32. object PaymentRequired extends Status with Product with Serializable


  33. object PreconditionFailed extends Status with Product with Serializable


  34. object ProxyAuthenticate extends ResponseHeader with Product with Serializable


  35. object ProxyAuthenticationRequired extends Status with Product with Serializable


  36. object RequestEntityTooLarge extends Status with Product with Serializable


  37. object RequestTimeout extends Status with Product with Serializable


  38. object RequestURITooLong extends Status with Product with Serializable


  39. object RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable extends Status with Product with Serializable


  40. object ResetContent extends Status with Product with Serializable


  41. object Response extends AnyRef

    HTTP response.

  42. object ResponseHeader extends ResponseHeaders

    HTTP response headers.

  43. object RetryAfter extends ResponseHeader with Product with Serializable


  44. object SeeOther extends Status with Product with Serializable


  45. object Server extends ResponseHeader with Product with Serializable


  46. object ServiceUnavailable extends Status with Product with Serializable


  47. object Status extends AnyRef

    HTTP response status codes.

  48. object StatusLine extends AnyRef

    HTTP response status line.

  49. object StreamResponse extends AnyRef

    Functions to create responses that have a stream body.

  50. object SwitchingProtocols extends Status with Product with Serializable


  51. object TemporaryRedirect extends Status with Product with Serializable


  52. object Unauthorized extends Status with Product with Serializable


  53. object UnsupportedMediaType extends Status with Product with Serializable


  54. object UseProxy extends Status with Product with Serializable


  55. object Vary extends ResponseHeader with Product with Serializable


  56. object WWWAuthenticate extends ResponseHeader with Product with Serializable


  57. package xhtml