package scalaz
import reflect.ClassManifest
import collection.IndexedSeqOptimized
import collection.mutable.{ArrayBuilder, Builder}
import collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import collection.immutable.{StringLike, IndexedSeq}
trait ImmutableArray[+A] {
protected[this] def elemManifest: ClassManifest[A]
def apply(index: Int): A
def length: Int
def isEmpty = length == 0
def toArray[B >: A : ClassManifest]: Array[B]
def copyToArray[B >: A](xs: Array[B], start: Int, len: Int)
def slice(from: Int, until: Int): ImmutableArray[A]
def ++[B >: A](other: ImmutableArray[B]): ImmutableArray[A]
object ImmutableArray {
def make[A](x: AnyRef): ImmutableArray[A] = {
val y = x match {
case null => null
case x: Array[Byte] => new ofByte(x)
case x: Array[Short] => new ofShort(x)
case x: Array[Char] => new ofChar(x)
case x: Array[Int] => new ofInt(x)
case x: Array[Long] => new ofLong(x)
case x: Array[Float] => new ofFloat(x)
case x: Array[Double] => new ofDouble(x)
case x: Array[Boolean] => new ofBoolean(x)
case x: Array[Unit] => new ofUnit(x)
case x: Array[AnyRef] => new ofRef(x)
case x: String => new StringArray(x)
def fromArray[A](x: Array[A]): ImmutableArray[A] = {
val y = x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] match {
case null => null
case x: Array[Byte] => new ofByte(x)
case x: Array[Short] => new ofShort(x)
case x: Array[Char] => new ofChar(x)
case x: Array[Int] => new ofInt(x)
case x: Array[Long] => new ofLong(x)
case x: Array[Float] => new ofFloat(x)
case x: Array[Double] => new ofDouble(x)
case x: Array[Boolean] => new ofBoolean(x)
case x: Array[Unit] => new ofUnit(x)
case _: Array[AnyRef] => new ofRef(x.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]])
def fromString(str: String): ImmutableArray[Char] = new StringArray(str)
def newBuilder[A](implicit elemManifest: ClassManifest[A]): Builder[A, ImmutableArray[A]] =
def newStringArrayBuilder: Builder[Char, ImmutableArray[Char]] =
(new StringBuilder).mapResult(fromString)
implicit def canBuildFrom[T](implicit m: ClassManifest[T]): CanBuildFrom[ImmutableArray[_], T, ImmutableArray[T]] =
new CanBuildFrom[ImmutableArray[_], T, ImmutableArray[T]] {
def apply(from: ImmutableArray[_]): Builder[T, ImmutableArray[T]] = newBuilder(m)
def apply: Builder[T, ImmutableArray[T]] = newBuilder(m)
implicit def canBuildFromChar(implicit m: ClassManifest[Char]): CanBuildFrom[ImmutableArray[_], Char, ImmutableArray[Char]] =
new CanBuildFrom[ImmutableArray[_], Char, ImmutableArray[Char]] {
def apply(from: ImmutableArray[_]): Builder[Char, ImmutableArray[Char]] = newStringArrayBuilder
def apply: Builder[Char, ImmutableArray[Char]] = newStringArrayBuilder
abstract class ImmutableArray1[+A](array: Array[A]) extends ImmutableArray[A] {
private[this] val arr = array.clone
def apply(idx: Int) = arr(idx)
def length = arr.length
def toArray[B >: A : ClassManifest] = arr.clone.asInstanceOf[Array[B]]
def copyToArray[B >: A](xs: Array[B], start: Int, len: Int) { arr.copyToArray(xs, start, len) }
def slice(from: Int, until: Int) = fromArray(arr.slice(from, until))
def ++[B >: A](other: ImmutableArray[B]) = {
val newArr = elemManifest.newArray(length + other.length)
this.copyToArray(newArr, 0, length)
other.copyToArray(newArr.asInstanceOf[Array[B]], length, other.length)
final class ofRef[+A <: AnyRef](array: Array[A]) extends ImmutableArray1[A](array) {
protected[this] lazy val elemManifest = ClassManifest.classType[A](array.getClass.getComponentType)
final class ofByte(array: Array[Byte]) extends ImmutableArray1[Byte](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Byte
final class ofShort(array: Array[Short]) extends ImmutableArray1[Short](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Short
final class ofChar(array: Array[Char]) extends ImmutableArray1[Char](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Char
final class ofInt(array: Array[Int]) extends ImmutableArray1[Int](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Int
final class ofLong(array: Array[Long]) extends ImmutableArray1[Long](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Long
final class ofFloat(array: Array[Float]) extends ImmutableArray1[Float](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Float
final class ofDouble(array: Array[Double]) extends ImmutableArray1[Double](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Double
final class ofBoolean(array: Array[Boolean]) extends ImmutableArray1[Boolean](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Boolean
final class ofUnit(array: Array[Unit]) extends ImmutableArray1[Unit](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Unit
final class StringArray(val str: String) extends ImmutableArray[Char] {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Char
def apply(idx: Int) = str(idx)
def length = str.length
def toArray[B >: Char : ClassManifest] = str.toArray
def copyToArray[B >: Char](xs: Array[B], start: Int, len: Int) { str.copyToArray(xs, start, len) }
def slice(from: Int, until: Int) = new StringArray(str.slice(from, until))
def ++[B >: Char](other: ImmutableArray[B]) =
other match {
case other: StringArray => new StringArray(str + other.str)
case _ => {
val newArr = new Array[Char](length + other.length)
this.copyToArray(newArr, 0, length)
other.copyToArray(newArr.asInstanceOf[Array[B]], length, other.length)
implicit def wrapArray[A](immArray: ImmutableArray[A]): WrappedImmutableArray[A] = {
import ImmutableArray.{WrappedImmutableArray => IAO}
immArray match {
case a: StringArray => new IAO.ofStringArray(a)
case a: ofRef[_] => new IAO.ofRef(a)
case a: ofByte => new IAO.ofByte(a)
case a: ofShort => new IAO.ofShort(a)
case a: ofChar => new IAO.ofChar(a)
case a: ofInt => new IAO.ofInt(a)
case a: ofLong => new IAO.ofLong(a)
case a: ofFloat => new IAO.ofFloat(a)
case a: ofDouble => new IAO.ofDouble(a)
case a: ofBoolean => new IAO.ofBoolean(a)
case a: ofUnit => new IAO.ofUnit(a)
implicit def unwrapArray[A](immArrayOps: WrappedImmutableArray[A]): ImmutableArray[A] = immArrayOps.value
class WrappedImmutableArray[+A](val value: ImmutableArray[A]) extends
IndexedSeq[A] with IndexedSeqOptimized[A, WrappedImmutableArray[A]] {
def apply(index: Int) = value(index)
def length = value.length
override def stringPrefix = "ImmutableArray"
protected[this] def arrayBuilder: Builder[A, ImmutableArray[A]] =
sys.error("calling newBuilder directly on WrappedImmutableArray[A]; this should be overridden in all subclasses")
override protected[this] def newBuilder: Builder[A, WrappedImmutableArray[A]] = arrayBuilder.mapResult(wrapArray)
object WrappedImmutableArray {
import scalaz.{ImmutableArray => IA}
class ofStringArray(val strArray: StringArray) extends WrappedImmutableArray[Char](strArray) {
override protected[this] def arrayBuilder = (new StringBuilder).mapResult(str => new StringArray(str.toString))
abstract class ofImmutableArray1[+A](val immArray: ImmutableArray1[A]) extends WrappedImmutableArray[A](immArray) {
protected[this] def elemManifest: ClassManifest[A]
override protected[this] def arrayBuilder = ImmutableArray.newBuilder[A](elemManifest)
final class ofRef[+A <: AnyRef](array: IA.ofRef[A]) extends ofImmutableArray1[A](array) {
protected[this] lazy val elemManifest = ClassManifest.classType[A](array.getClass.getComponentType)
final class ofByte(array: IA.ofByte) extends ofImmutableArray1[Byte](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Byte
final class ofShort(array: IA.ofShort) extends ofImmutableArray1[Short](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Short
final class ofChar(array: IA.ofChar) extends ofImmutableArray1[Char](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Char
final class ofInt(array: IA.ofInt) extends ofImmutableArray1[Int](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Int
final class ofLong(array: IA.ofLong) extends ofImmutableArray1[Long](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Long
final class ofFloat(array: IA.ofFloat) extends ofImmutableArray1[Float](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Float
final class ofDouble(array: IA.ofDouble) extends ofImmutableArray1[Double](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Double
final class ofBoolean(array: IA.ofBoolean) extends ofImmutableArray1[Boolean](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Boolean
final class ofUnit(array: IA.ofUnit) extends ofImmutableArray1[Unit](array) {
protected[this] def elemManifest = ClassManifest.Unit
sealed class ImmutableArrayCharW(val value: ImmutableArray[Char]) extends PimpedType[ImmutableArray[Char]] {
def asString = value match {
case a: StringArray => a.str
case a: ofChar => wrapArray(a).mkString
case _ => sys.error("Unknown subtype of ImmutableArray[Char]")
implicit def wrapRopeChar(array: ImmutableArray[Char]): ImmutableArrayCharW = new ImmutableArrayCharW(array)